About The Garden Club of Indiana, Inc.
Welcome to The Garden Club of Indiana, Inc.
The Mission of The Garden Club of Indiana, Inc. is to promote interest and education in horticulture, landscaping, floral design and environmental concerns.
Joining a local club in your area is a great way to expand your horizons, meet new friends, and better your community, all while getting dirty.
Our goal is to bring as much information to not only our members, but to all visitors to the site.
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The Garden Club of Indiana, Inc. is a non-profit educational organization, formed in 1930, with a mission to promote interest and education in horticulture, landscaping, floral design and environmental concerns.

There are approximately 1,331 members in The Garden Club of Indiana, Inc., with 54 member clubs in seven districts. We are a member of National Garden Clubs, Inc., with over 8,000 clubs and over 225,000 members from every state in the nation, plus National Plant Societies and International Affiliates.
The fundamental objectives are expanded to meet the needs of today: community beautification; roadside development; good horticultural practices; litter control; aid in the protection of trees, shrubs, wildflowers and birds; and preservation and restoration of historic sites. Each member receives electronically our state publication, Indiana Gardens, and now the national publication, The National Gardener, is available to all members electronically on the NGC website. At state and national levels, scholarship programs are available for men and women who are planning careers in horticulture or related fields. Members are entitled to attend, by registering, district meetings, annual state conventions, Wildflower Workshop, September Seminar, and other conferences and schools.

The Garden Club of Indiana, Inc. was founded on April 5, 1930. Mrs. H. B. Burnet, president of the Indiana Federation of Art Clubs, called a meeting of all of the garden clubs in Indiana who were connected with the art club. The purpose of that meeting was to create a state organization of garden clubs. Thirty-one persons voted to create the Garden Club of Indiana that day in the central gallery of the John Herron Art Museum.
Our history has been rich and we have participated in countless projects to support our Mission.
- Learn about us by downloading our TGCI history overview!
- View our TGCI 90th Year Celebration Video – prepared for our 2021 Convention!
There are seven districts in The Garden Club of Indiana, Inc.
- Central
- North West
- North Central
- Central East
- South East
- South West
- Central West
Garden Clubs by County:
Batholomew – Columbus
Decatur – Greensburg
- Greensburg Night Bloomers Garden Club
- Give Un Take Garden Club
- Creative Hands Garden Club, Marion/Gas City
- Garden Club of Marion, Marion
- Twin City Garden Club, Gas City/Jonesboro
- Pendleton Garden Club, Pendleton
- Small Town Garden Club, Alexandria
- Summitville Garden Club, Summitville
Marion – Indianapolis
- Arbutus Garden Club
- Broad Ripple Garden Club
- Fall Creek Garden Club
- Ft. Benjamin Blossoms Garden Club
- Green Thumb Garden Club
- Hillcrest Garden Club
- Indianapolis Garden Club
- Irvington Garden Club
- Sages Garden Club
- Shamrock Garden Club
Miami County
Peru Garden Club, Peru
Morgan County
Come Into the Garden, Monrovia
- Petersburg Garden Club, Petersburg
- Christmas Lake Garden Club, Santa Claus
St. Joseph
- Monticello Garden Club
*If you don’t see a club listed for your county, start one, or join a club in a neighboring county.
**If there’s no link above for your club, please fill out our contact form, and we’ll connect you with that club.