Programs, Projects, Awards & Scholarships
Our Projects, Programs and Activities
The Garden Club of Indiana, Inc. is involved in numerous projects, programs and activities. We also offer scholarships and awards. Click on the green boxes below (sorted alphabetically) to learn more about our work!

The Garden Club of Indiana, Inc. (TGCI), our Districts, and our local clubs offer educational programs in order to achieve our Mission to promote interest and education in horticulture, landscaping, floral design and environmental concerns. In addition, each year, TGCI hosts a State Convention. Check out our video from our 92nd Annual Convention, held in April 2024!
The Garden Club of Indiana, Inc. awards members and clubs numerous awards. Below are some of the awards we present to our members, for more details please contact us.
View all of our TGCI 2023 Award Winners.
For TGCI members, please go to Member Access to view the Awards Manual and materials.

- Amy Mason Wildflower
- Annual Civic Fund
- Bev Kevler Arbor
- Birds and Butterflies
- Blue Star/Gold Star Memorials
- Civic Development
- Club Achievement
- Conservation
- Flower Show Achievement
- Garden Therapy
- History Preservation
- Honeywell Horticultural
- Horticulture
- Land Trust Projects
- Litter and Recycling
- Member Services Sales
- Membership Increase
- Membership & Promotion
- National Garden Week
- National Life Member
- Publications
- Roadside Beautification
- Scholarship
- Scrapbook
- Social Media
- Yearbook
- Youth

Each year, the funds available determine the number of scholarships The Garden Club of Indiana, Inc. (TGCI) offers in the amount of up to $1,000 each. To qualify, Indiana students must be enrolled in an Indiana “accredited college, technical school, vocational school, or university” listed on the official website of the U.S. Department of Education.
Funding for these scholarships is derived from many sources and donations within TGCI. Each year the amount of donations determines the number of scholarships awarded. The applicants are evaluated by the TGCI scholarship committee based on the scholarship program requirements. Equal opportunity shall be provided to all applicants.
Want to support student scholarships? Learn about how to donate.
Click below to see the scholarship eligibility details and application information.
The Garden Club of Indiana, Inc. is pleased to participate in three youth contests sponsored by The National Garden Clubs, Inc.
The Garden Club of Indiana, Inc. is pleased to participate in the youth contests sponsored by The National Garden Clubs, Inc. Details are listed below. If you need additional ideas of our to engage youth in garden projects, The Garden Club of Indiana has some great Youth Engagement Ideas! (Download the PDF)

Smokey Bear/Woodsy Owl Poster Contest: In partnership with the US Forest Service and the National Garden Clubs, Inc. (NGC), for more than 50 years, kids in first through fifth grades have used their the imagination to create posters to help convey Smokey Bear’s message of “Only YOU Can Prevent Wildfires!” and Woodsy Owl’s message of “Lend a Hand, Care for the Land!”. The 2025 poster contest submissions deadline to the state is January 20th. Poster Contest Rules 2024-2025
Youth Essay Contest: “Is Recycling Plastics the Answer to Our Plastic Disposal Problem? Students in 9th – 12th grade will submit a 600-700 word essay that addresses the posed question. Deadline for submissions to the state is December 1st each year.
2024 Youth Essay Contest Flyer and Complete Guidelines
Youth Poetry Contest: “My Garden Has Vegetables to Spare That I Can Share – Helping Fight Hunger by Sharing Vegetables From Our Garden.” Students in K-12th grade will submit original poetry based on the theme. Poems can be up to 24 lines. Poems do not have to rhyme. They may be traditional verse, acrostics, blank verse, cinquains, diamond poems, limerick, or haiku. Deadline for submissions to the state is December 1st each year.
2024 Youth Poetry Contest Winners.
2024 Youth Poetry Contest Flyer and Complete Guidelines
Youth Sculpture Contest: “Encouraging Youth to Keep Our Planet Green”. This contest encourages students to keep our planet green. Students in grades 4 -8 are eligible to create a sculpture of recyclable, reused, and reduced materials. The sculpture is limited in width to 81/2 inches by 11 inches.For contest details, and recognition, visit the NGC Youth Sculpture site. Deadline for submissions to the state is December 1st each year.
2024 Youth Sculpture Contest Winners.
2024-2025 Youth Sculpture Contest Details (same theme as prior year).